A. Asking and Giving Information about Profession and Activity.
Dalam Bahasa Inggris Cara menanyakan Profesi dan Kegiatan adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Cara 1:
What is your profession?
What is his profession?
What is her profession?
What is their profession?
2. Cara 2:
What do you do?
What does He do?
What does She do?
What do They do?
Jawaban terhadap pertanyaan tentang Profesi dan Kegiatan adalah
Terangkan Profesi dan diikuti dengan Aktifitas yang dilakukan
I am a ... , I ...
He is a ... , He ...
She is a ... , She ...
We are ... , We ...
Contoh dialog Asking and Giving Information about Profession and Activity:
Contoh 1:
Andi and Bayu just meet at Bank fist time, they have not knew each other before.
Andi : What are you doing here?
Bayu : I am sending some money for my mother.
Andi : What is your profession?
Bayu : I am a worker at company, I manage oil process in my company. And you, what do you do?
Andi : I am a student of Junior High School. I study at school everyday.
Contoh 2:
Sinta and Nabila are talking about their fathers profession
Nabila : Hello Sinta
Sinta : Hello Nabila
Nabila : How much money that your father gives today?
Sinta : I get twenty thousand rupiah from my father.
Nabila : What does your father do?
Sinta : He is a policeman. He keeps save this country. and you Nabila?
What does your father do?
Nabila : My father is a bussinesman. He builds his bussiness anywhere.
Vocabulary about Profession:
1. Architect = Arsitek
2. Artist = Seniman
3. Astronaut = Astronot
4. Athlete = Atlet
5. Author = Penulis
6. Chef = Koki
7. Dentist = Dokter gigi
8. Designer = Desainer
9. Detective = Detektif
10. Diplomat = Diplomat
11. Doctor = Dokter
12. Engineer = Insinyur
13. Entrepreneur = Pengusaha
14. Firefighter = Pemadam kebakaran
15. Flight attendant = Pramugari
16. Hairdresser = Penata rambut
17. Journalist = Jurnalis
18. Judge = Hakim
19. Lawyer = Pengacara
20. Librarian = Pustakawan
21. Musician = Musisi
22. Nurse = Perawat
23. Photographer =Photographer
24. Pilot = Pilot
25. Police = Polisi
26. Politician = Politikus
27. Psychologist = Psikolog
28. Scientist = Ilmuwan
29. Secretary = Sekretaris
30. Teacher = Guru
Bintang p amaizam. 7b
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