Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Knowing of Procedure Text

Learning of Procedure Text

A. Definition
Procedure text is a kind of text that shows how to make or to do something.
(Procedure Text adalah text yang menunjukkan cara membuat atau melakukan sesuatu).

Procedure Text usually about:
(Procedure Text biasanya tentang):

  • Manual (Panduan)
  • Recipe (Resep)
  • Tips (Trik)
  • Tutorials (Tutorial)
  • Etc (dan lain-lain)
B. Aim/Purpose of Procedure Text
Purpose of Procedure Text there are:
Tujuan dari Procedure Text diantaranya:
To know how to make or do something
Untuk mengetahui cara membuat atau melakukan sesuatu
To give guidance in using certain appliance
Untuk memberikan panduan dalam menggunakan suatu alat 
To avoid a danger in operating certain appliance
Untuk menghindari bahaya dalam mengoperasikan suatu peralatan
To make easier in operating certain appliance
Untuk mempermudah pengoperasian alat tertentu
To avoid the false operation of certain appliance
Untuk menghindari kesalahan pengoperasian suatu peralatan

To give guidance step by step in operating certain appliance
Untuk memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah dalam mengoperasikan suatu peralatan

To know how the appliance works correctly
Untuk mengetahui cara kerja alat dengan benar

etc (dan lain-lain)

C. Stucture of Procedure Text
Strukture of Procedure text are contains:
    Stukture dari teks Prosedur adalah terdiri dari:

    •     Tittle                             : Judul
    •     Introduction and Goal  : Pendahuluan dan Tujuan
    •     Ingredients                   : Bahan-bahan
    •     Tools                            : Peralatan
    •     Steps/Methods             : Langkah-langkah/Cara

D. Grammar Rules of Procedure Text
Grammar Rules of Procedure Text will describe below:
    Tata Bahasa dalam Teks Prosedur akan dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

    •     Using Simple Present Tense
          Verbal Sentences: S + v1 (-s/-es)
          We cut it into two slices (Kita potong menjadi dua bagian)
      You save it on the freezer (Kamu simpan di dalam kulkas)
          Nominal Sentences: S + is/am/are + Adj/Adv/Noun
          Example :
          Batagor is popular Indonesian food
          Steak is western food
    •     Using Imperative Sentences
      Imperative sentences we use when describing Steps/Methods
          (Kalimat Perintah kita gunakan ketika menjelaskan Langkah-langkah/Caranya)
          Formulation: v1 + Nouns/Object
          Prepare a cup of water (Siapkan secangkir air)
          Mix the materials (Aduk bahan-bahanya)

    •     Using Adverb of Squence
      To mention step by step of procedure text we dont use Cardinal Number (1,2,3, etc,...),
          but we use Ordinal Number below:
          Dalam menyebutkan langkah demi langkah kita jangan menggunal Cardinal Number
          seperti 1,2,3, dll..., tapi kita menggunakan Ordinal Number sebagai berikut:

          In the begining (Jika diawal): First, Firstly, the first, for the first.
          Continue with Ordinal Number (Lanjutkan dengan Ordinal Number):
          Second or the second, Third or the third, fourth, fifth, etc, ...
          In the midle (Jika ditengah) : Next, the next, next to, then, and then, after that, etc ...
          In the end steps (dilangkah terakhir) : the last, lastly, the last step, etc ...

      We can use Cardinal Number for Written,
      Kita bisa menggunakan Cardinal Number dalam Bahasa Penulisan,
      And for Speaking we use Ordinal Number.
      Dan Untuk Bahasa Berbicara gunakan Cardinal Number.

E. Example of Procedure Text



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    1. Afdal. Contohnya harus berhubungan dengan procedure text ya! Contoh Verbal Sentencedi perbaiki jangan pakai will. Contoh contoh diatas tolong diganti dengan yg berhungan dengan procedure text!

  3. #RinaChlirunisa#Hadir#JawabanLatihan :
    1. Verbal Sentences
    - You can add more or less depends on your taste buds
    - You can buy some fried seaweed and uncooked rice
    2. nominal sentences
    - sushi is popular Japan food
    3. Imperative sentences
    - Wash the veggies
    - cut the crab into little strips

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    2. 1. Verbal Sentences
      - you add more or less depends on your taste buds
      - you buy some fried seaweed and uncooked rice

    3. Rina, Contoh Verbal sentence nya jangan pakai can

    4. Iya pak sudah daya ganti 🙏🏿

  4. #Maudi#Hadir#JawabanLatihan:
    1. Verbal sentence
    -We cook until the color is
    -We drain until the oil drops

    2. Nominal sentence
    -Kimci is a typical Korean food

    3. Imperative sentence
    -Put in 2 teaspoons of salt
    -Mix everything up evenly

  5. #MuhammadIwaNaufalHibrizi #Hadir #JawabanLatihan: 1. Verbal Sentences
    = - We cook the chickens first
    - You must wash the fruits before cutting it
    2. Nominal Sentences
    = - Rujak is one of the delicious fruit preparations in Indonesia
    3. Imperative Sentences
    = - Remove the spines from the fish
    - Wash the rice first

  6. #fathir#hadir#jawabanlatihan:
    1. Verbal Sentences
    - i boil water in the pan
    - you cut the onion into two slices

    2. Nominal Sentences
    - rendang is the number 1 food in Indonesia

    3. Imperative Sentences
    - cut the onion
    - boil the water first

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    1. Intan R. Lihat Perintah Soal ya! Contoh harus berhungan dengan procedure text!

  8. #Intanputri#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan:
    1.verbal sentences
    -you take out the rice and put it
    On the place
    -you take a bowl and pour in
    About two tablespoons of rice
    Wine vinegar
    2.Nominal sentences
    -ketoprak is a food uses peanut
    3.Inperative sentences
    -check on your rice
    -cut the carrots in half long

  9. #ginadwi#hadir#jawabanlatihan:
    -Verbal sentence
    .we split it into four parts
    .i keep it in the room
    -nominal sentence
    .nasi goreng is popular Indonesia food
    -imperative sentence
    .Prepare a glass of sugar
    .mix of ingredients

    1. Great Job Gina. It's Correct
      Untuk Nasi goreng itu ditulis fried Rice ya gina

    2. Oke pak,
      .fried rice is popular Indonesia food

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  11. #NadiaDesi #hadir #jawaban latihan:
    1. Verbal sentence
    - we put in the oven
    - You save it on the container
    2. Nominal Sentence
    - Rendang is a popular Indonesian food
    3. Imperative sentence
    - prepare 1 kilogram of chicken
    - wash the fruit first

  12. Ridhoadeadha#present#answer exercise:
    1. Verbal Sentences
    - I boiled the meat
    - You slice turmeric

    2. Nominal Sentences
    - Nasi padang is the food most favored by people in Indonesia

    3. Imperative Sentences
    - cut the meat into small pieces
    - Put the spices into the pan

    1. Ridho Contoh Verbal sentence yg nomor satu jangan gunkanan V2 ya cukup V1

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  14. #Afdalmaulana#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan
    Verbal sentence
    -We have to cut the chicken first
    -We Have to Cook the rice
    Nominal Sentence
    -Penyet chicken is a popular food in Indonesia
    Imperative sentence
    -Add the salt
    -Check on your rice

    1. Good Job Afdal. nanti dalam praktiknya jika langkah tsb tidak merupakan keharusan jangan gunakan have to
      contoh jika langkahnya memotong ayam bukan keharusan, ayam bisa dibakar satu ekor utuh maka cukup
      You cut the chicken,
      Have to digunakan jika langkah tsb harus

  15. #Ajra#hadir#jawabanlatihan
    1.contoh verbal sentence
    •you heat it in the oven
    •we cut it into small pieces
    2.contoh nominal sentence
    •Kebab is turkish food
    3.imperative sentence
    •boil one liter water
    •wash the vegetables

  16. #IntanR#Hadir#jawabanlatihan
    1) Verbal sentences
    - we cut the fruit round or dice
    - You steam in the oven
    2) Nominal sentences
    - soto rawon ia very famous in surabaya
    3) Imperative sentences
    - Preapare a container
    - mix all the ingredients

    1. OK Good Intan R.
      Ini catatanya:
      soto rawon ia very famous in surabaya (salah)
      soto rawon is very famous in surabaya (Benar)
      ada typo di is yg ditulis ia

    2. Iya maaf pak typo
      - soto rawon is very famous ini Surabaya

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  18. #Fika#Hadir#jawabanlatihan:
    1.Verbal sentences
    -we divide it into two parts
    -I keep it in the cupboard
    2.Nominal sentences
    -Sushi is the number 1 food in japan
    3.Imperative sentences
    -pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into a glass
    -cut the chilies into small pleces

  19. #AnnisaMardhatillah#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan:
    •Verbal sentences
    -I cut the carrot into two slices
    -You have cook the rice
    •Nominal sentences
    -Indomie is a popular food in indonesia
    •Imperative sentences
    -Cut the carrot
    -Wash the veggies

    1. Good Annisa.
      Ini note dari teachernya:
      Kalimat Verbal Sentence yang kamu tuliskan yg no.2
      You have cook the rice (salah)
      You cook the rice (Benar)
      Dapat difahami Annisa?

  20. #Irnaaisyah#Hadir#Jawabnlatihan:
    1)Verbal sentence
    -I keep it in the cup board
    -We split it into eight parts
    2)Nominal sentence
    -Noodle Is popular Indonesia
    3)Imperative sentence
    -Prepare a spoonful of sait
    -Give me the book

  21. #MalikiFajri#Hadir#JawabanLatihan

    1)Verbal sentences
    ✓I have to study hard
    ✓Brother goes to work every day

    2)Nominal sentences
    ✓Father is handsome
    ✓them in the cinema

    3)Inperative sentence
    ✓Lest exencise together
    ✓Go get the book

    1. Fajri, lihat petunjuk soal ya!
      Contoh harus berhubungan dengan Procedure text!
      Silahkan diperbaiki!

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    1. Good Job Naufal.
      Ini catatan dari teachernya:
      Coba lihat contoh verbal sentence no2 yang kamu tulis
      itu menggunakan V2 seharusnya pakai v1 nya.
      dapat difahami Naufal?

  23. #MohamadHanifR#Hadir#Jawabana:
    Verbal sentences:
    -We put it in the oven
    -We wait until the dough expands
    Nominal sentences
    -Ramen is popular japan food
    Imperative sentences
    -Cut the carrots like cubes
    -Wash the vegetables firs

  24. •Verbal Sentence
    -You keep it in the cupboard
    -We split into five partai
    •Nominal Sentence
    -Burger is popular Korea food
    •Imperative Sentence
    -Prepare a plate of chicken
    -Prepare a cup of coffee

    1. #SuciAmalia#Hadir#JawabanLatihan:
      •Verbal Sentence
      - You keep it in the cupboard
      - We split into five parts
      •Nominal Sentence
      - Burger is popular Korea food
      •Imperative Sentence
      - Prepare a plate of chicken
      - Prepare a cup of coffee

    2. Good Suci.
      Tapi itu contoh Verbal sentence no.1 dapat dimana kok pada sering sekali kalimat itu muncul dikolom komentar?

      Kemudian kalimat yg ini:
      Prepare a plate of chicken
      jika ingin bilang siapkan ayam diatas piring penulisan yg benar adalah:
      Prepare the chicken on the plate

  25. #QonitaJundaAbidahS#hadir#JawabanLatihan:
    > Verbal Sentence
    - She helps mother
    - Do you bring a knife
    > Nominal Sentence
    - Tteokbokki is popular food in korea
    > Imperative sentence
    - Clean a kitchen first
    - Enter the flour and sugar

    1. Qonita, Kalimat Verbal sentence nya masih keliru.
      Silahkan buat kalimat baru, jangan lupa lihat dulu Rumus dan contoh pada materi guru

    2. > Verbal Sentence
      - You save it on the cupboard
      - we cut the carrots into boxes

  26. #Ronada#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan
    •verbal sentences
    -we saute the onions until brown
    -we grind the chilies until smooth

    •nominal sentences
    -Tteokbokki is popular Korea food

    •imperative sentences
    -mix the spices
    -add some sugar

    1. we put it in the oven.
    2. You cut it into Some slices.
    1. Seblak is popular Indonesian food.
    1. prepare a bowl of flour.
    2. Mix the ingredients well.

  28. #Ahmadiqbal#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan
    1. Contoh verbal sentence
    - I cook fish first
    - I cook in the pan
    2. Contoh nominal sentence
    - Soto is the food most favored by people in Indonesia
    3. Imperative Sentence
    - Prepare a cup of tea
    - Cut the pottato

  29. #Helma#Hadir#Jawabnlatihan:
    1.Verbal sentence
    -we divide it into Five parts
    -I keep it in the bookshelf
    2.Nominal sentence
    -Satay is a popular indonesia food
    3.Imperative sentence
    -prepare the ingredients
    -wash the Fruit

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    3. Nasywa, Baca perintah soal ya! Contoh harus berhungan dengan procedure text. Jangan lupa lihat rumus dan contoh dari guru di materi terlebih dahulu. Silahkan post tugas ulang

  31. #Dennis#hadir#jawabanlatihan:
    -Verbal sentence :
    1. We cut the chocolate into two slices
    2. You heat the water before adding the tomato
    -Nominal sentence :
    1. Odading is popular bandung food
    -Imperative sentence :
    1. Prepare 200 grams of flour
    2. mix flour and eggs

    1. Great job Dennis. It's correct. Perfect
      I like odading. ha...ha...

  32. #Mahesasultanfajar#Hadir#Latihanjawaban
    - imperatif sentences
    a. Please take the clothes
    b. Prepare my food
    - Nominal sentences
    a. Komodo dragons is a popular animal in indonesia
    - Verbal sentences
    a. Let's move that thing
    b. You put it in the ware house

    1. Mahesa.Baca perintah soal ya! Contoh harus berhungan dengan procedure text. Jangan lupa lihat rumus dan contoh dari guru di materi terlebih dahulu. Silahkan post tugas ulang

  33. #Mahesasultanfajar#Hadir#Latihanjawaban
    - imperatif sentences
    a. Please take the clothes
    b. Prepare my food
    - Nominal sentences
    a. Komodo dragons is a popular animal in indonesia
    - Verbal sentences
    a. Let's move that thing
    b. You put it in the ware house

    1. Mahesa, Baca perintah soal ya! Contoh harus berhungan dengan procedure text. Jangan lupa lihat rumus dan contoh dari guru di materi terlebih dahulu. Silahkan post tugas ulang

    2. verbal sentencess
      a. We split it intro there parts
      b. I keep it in the kitchen
      Nominal sentences
      a. Dragon fruit is indonesia's favorite fruit
      imperatif sentences
      a. boil two liters of water
      b. Wash the rice one kilo

  34. #arifirmansyah#hadir#jawaban
    1. Verbal sentence
    - we put in the oven
    - You save it on the container
    2. Nominal Sentence
    - nasi padang is a popular Indonesian food
    3. Imperative sentence
    - prepare 1 kilogram of chicken
    - wash the fruit first

    1. Ari. Contoh ini kok sama dengan postingan temanya diatas.
      Silahkan buat sendiri ya Ari! Jangan copas dari punya temanya

  35. #eliciadevia#hadir#jawabanlatihan

    1) verbal sentences
    - we sauté chilli until fragrant
    - we oven it until the color
    Truns brown
    2) nominal sentences
    - gudeg is a typical Jawa food
    3) imperatif sentences
    -put in 2 teaspoons of pepper
    - knead the dough until smooth

    1. Good Job Elicia.
      Ini catatan dari teachernya
      Kalimat yg ini we oven it until the color
      itu kurang tepat.
      we oven it until done

  36. Nurfadilah#hadir#jawabanlatihan:
    1.verbal sentences
    -he fixes my broken handphone
    -security keeps my home for five days.
    2.nominal sentences
    -onigiri is popular Japan food
    3.imperative sentences
    -clean your room
    -find my leather jacket.

    1. Nur fadillah, Baca perintah soal ya! Contoh harus berhungan dengan procedure text. Jangan lupa lihat rumus dan contoh dari guru di materi terlebih dahulu. yang diatas yg tepat baru nominal sentence nya. Silahkan post tugas ulang

  37. #RafaAdestia#Hadir#jawaban latihan:
    1. Verbal Sentence
    ~ I go to school every morning
    ~ We finish their homework
    2. Nominal Sentence
    ~ Rawon is a popular food in East Java
    3. Imperative Sentence
    ~ Wash the clothes first
    ~ Put in 3 teaspoons Of sugar

    1. Rafa, sudah baik untuk Nominal sentence dan Imperative sentence nya. Namun, Verbal sentence nya masih tidak tepat silahkan diperbaiki

  38. #NaufalRozan#Hadir#JawabanLatihan:
    1.Verbal sentence
    •We slice the banana into very thin pieces.
    •We waited for the pancake mixture to cook for about 5 minutes.
    2.Nominal sentence:
    •Pancake is european food.
    3.Imperative sentence
    •Put the flour in a bowl.
    •Pour the milk into a cup

    1. Naufal Rozan, Baca balasan teachernya pada komentar mu sebelumnya ya!

  39. #ZahraAzmiFadhilah#Hadir#JawabanLatihan
    a)Verbal Sentences
    •We connect it into three parts
    •I keep it in the cupboard
    b)Nominal Sentences
    •Getuk is a popular food in the java area
    •Tea screwdriver is an indonesian drink
    c)Imperative Sentences
    •Pour the tea into a cup
    •Prepare the ingredients

    1. Great Zahra. It's correct.
      Tapi kenapa ikut ikut pakai kalimat yg ini juga?
      nih I keep it in the cupboard. sudah banyak sekalimat yg sama dg yg ini. padahal kalimat lain masih banyak

    2. Iya pak maaf,saya ganti
      •I planted in the ground

  40. #Ilhamdani#Hadir#jawabanLatihan:
    1. Verbal sentences
    - He is in the classroom.
    - I was busy last night.

    2. Nominal sentences
    - I was in the hospital last week.

    3. Imperatif sentences
    - Clean your room!
    - Go to your class!

    1. Ilham, Baca perintah soal ya! Contoh harus berhungan dengan procedure text. Jangan lupa lihat rumus dan contoh dari guru di materi terlebih dahulu. Silahkan post tugas ulang

    2. 1. Verbal sentence
      -We cook until the color is
      -We drain until the oil drops
      2. Nominal Sentences
      - rendang is the number 1 food in Indonesia
      3.imperative sentences
      -check on your rice
      -cut the carrots in half long

  41. #NasywaPutri#Hadir#JawabanLatihan:
    1.Verbal Sentence
    •we cut it intro ten slices
    •we save it on the wardrobe
    2.Nominal Sentence
    •Mochi is popular Japan food
    3.Imperative sentence
    •clean a living room first
    •open the door

  42. #FaizSurya #Hadir #JawabanLatihan:

    1. Verbal Sentence.
    ~ We Finish Our Animation.
    ~ I Finish This Level.

    2. Nominal Sentence.
    • Sushi Is Japan Food.

    3. Imperative Sentence.
    √ Put The Cake In The Oven.
    √ Wash Your Hand First.

  43. #Malikifajri#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan:
    1)Verbal sentece
    ✓I read book
    ✓We Made birthday cakes
    2)Nominal sentece
    ✓She is beautiful
    ✓Father is handsome
    3)Inperative sentence
    ✓Open your book
    ✓go to school.

    1. Fajri, Kalimat punya fajri secara rumus semua benar. tapi secara tema kita sekarang yaitu Procedure text contoh fajri tidak berhungan. jadi silahkan diperbaiki ya!
      Yg tepat baru yg ini:
      We Made birthday cakes
      Open your book

      yang lain silahkan diperbaiki buat contoh yang berhungan dengan procedure Text ya!

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  45. #Arsyabillamaharani#Hadir#JawabanLatihan:
    1. Verbal sentences
    - we cook until the afternoon
    - you have to wash your hands before entering
    2. Nominal sentence
    - ramyeon is popular korea food
    3. Imperative sentence
    - must wear a mask
    - water the flowers first

  46. #Arifdefravangga#hadir#jawaban latihan

    verbal sentences:
    -We put the soup on the plate
    -we cut the carrots into small pieces

    Nominal sentences
    -soup is famous in all countries

    Imperative sentences
    -add the vegetables when the water is boiling
    -add a pinch of salt to make it taste good

  47. #cintiya#hadir#jawabanlatihan
    1.verbal sentence
    - we buy fish and divide it into parts
    - we stir until boiling
    2.nominal sentence
    - rendang is a food that comes from padang
    3.imperative sentence
    - add a little salt
    - put all the vegetables in it

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  49. #Dzaky#Hadir##Jawabanlatihan:
    1.Verbal Sentence
    -We cook the Fried rice first
    - You must wash the fruits before cutting it

    2. Nominal Sentences
    - Rujak is one of the delicious fruit preparations in Indonesia

    3. Imperative Sentences
    - Remove the spines from the fish
    - Wash the rice first

  50. #IkaTrianny#Hadir#JawabanLatihan:

    1. Verbal Sentence:
    - you cook lontong until three hours.
    - you cut it into six slices.

    2. Nominal sentence :
    - Lontong sayur is popular Indonesia food

    3. Imprative sentence :
    - prepare a cup of coconut milk
    - wash vegetables before cut into pieces

  51. #arifiansyah#hadir#jawabanlatihan
    -verbal sentences
    and I put it in the cupboard
    then enjoy with friends or family
    -nomonal sentence
    Chicken noodles are my favorite food
    -imperati sentence
    give a little chicken meat
    and add the green beans

    Kayak gini ya pak

    1. Coba baca materinya ada rumus dan contohnya kan disana. Nich coba Buat spt materi dg kalimat sendiri

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ichsan. Jawabanya Masih salah. Coba baca lagi materinya. Disanakan ada rumus dan contohnya. Coba ikutin Buat dg kalimat sendiri

  53. #Malikifajri#Hadir#Jawabanlatihan#
    1)Verbal sentence
    *Hasan bringas the English dictionary everyday
    *He doesn't bring the Indonesian dictionary everyday

    2)Nominal sentence
    ✓Meatball is the number 1 food in Indonesian

    3)Inverative sentence
    •Give me the book
    •Drop your weapon.

  54. #muhammadichsan#hadir#jawablatihan
    1.verbal sentence
    -we cut union it into two selices
    -you save book it on backpak
    2.nominal sentence
    -pempek is the number 1 food in palembang
    3.inverative sentence
    -give me the pen
    -drop your book on the table

  55. #SuryaAli#Hadir#jawabanlatihan
    1.Verval sentences
    -we go tu school on foot
    -I practice guitar everyday
    2.Nominal sentences
    -we are fabulous team
    3.Inverative sentence
    -go to your class
    -clean your room
